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Earthsongs Music Collective

We are a music collective with a purpose to unite humanity. 

Modern humanity has forgotten a sense of wonder for the natural world and music can reawaken it.





Image by John Jennings

What is an earthsong?

An earthsong can be in any music genre or sub-genre. It can be instrumental or lyrical. It is any song that evokes awe and expresses gratitude, reverence, invocation, lament, belonging, and kinship with the natural world. Earthsongs connect people to earth and to each other. Earthsongs regenerate vitality, humanity, wisdom, and meaning. Earthsongs regenerate culture. Earthsongs show us how to navigate our ways to flourishing futures.

Share Your Earthsong

Join our music collective!

Share your earthsong with us.

We share your song with the world!

Music Collective

 ES logo only.png

Inspire fans!

Participation is voluntary. It's free.

We amplify your sound. We don't sell your music.

You can join with or without an earthsong.

Inspire fans!

Host Radio Regeneration

Media Kit

Play for Earth!

Image by Ben Pham

Join our Creator Ecosystem.

Add nature to your tracks!

Your Music Grows Our World

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